The engineer certificate is now mandatory from 21/09/2011, for any legal act alive (transfer or establishment of a right in rem). The engineer’s certificate is also mandatory for the transfer of plots and land. In this case it will state that there is no building within the plot. If an engineer’s certificate for the transfer of a property is not attached, then a prison sentence of at least six months and a fine are imposed on those involved. In addition, in case of transfer, the engineer’s certificate must be accompanied by a topographic diagram.
The information that the engineer must have in order to issue the certificate is:
Building Permit Officer
Approved designs.
Title deeds.
Legal elements in case of arbitrary.
Owner statement
What supporting documents is required for the property owner to provide?
A) Urban Property Details (complete building permit file):
Building Permit Officer.
Chart Coverage Chart.
Top view of the floor under consideration.
A section where the heights can be seen.
B) Property ownership details (contract with the accompanying plans):
The contract that proves the ownership of the property. In some cases they also need the establishment of Horizontal Property, previous contracts, etc.
Attached Topographic Diagram to the Contract.
Attached Top view.
C) Owner Details
Identity card or Passport.
Copy of E9 showing how the property was declared.
What is the procedure for issuing the certificate?
After the required documents are collected and handed over to the engineer, he carries out an autopsy on the property under examination and checks the existence or not of arbitrary constructions. In case there is no arbitrary the procedure proceeds immediately.
In case these arbitrariness are found, they are required to be settled by the current law (Law 4495/2017). When the settlement and payment of part of the fine is completed (specifically 30% of it), the Certificate of Legality is issued by the system of the Technical Chamber of Greece.